Korean Power Generation Market on Fire [Part 3] - Tight Local Production Schedule
Korean Power Generation Market on Fire [Part 3] - Tight Local Production Schedule
  • Korea IT Times (info@koreaittimes.com)
  • 승인 2013.02.15 23:26
  • 댓글 0
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Seoul, Korea - ‘Develop gas turbine manufacturing capacity, acquire 50,000 operation hours of reference within three years, and achieve 50% market share with gas turbines made in Korea.’ This is the framework for the local production of main generation equipment Korean government is planning.

Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction and Korea Midland Power are about to strike a deal on the supply of 1,000 megawatt steam turbines for stations 1 and 2 at Shinboryung Plant, and Samsung Techwin is also to start the development of large-capacity gas turbines for power generation from the 2nd half this year.

The two projects aimed at acquiring experiences to materialize Korea-made gas turbines can be interpreted as the starting point of gaining market share not only in Korea where the plans for new plants are lined up, but also for the overseas markets expected to keep growing.

The efforts to replace import equipment are simultaneously made in many parts of the gas turbine related equipment, from the turbines to many high-performance, high-temperature parts. Korea Lost-Wax is developing 1st and 2nd stage gas turbine blades. Sungil SIM is conducting research on the forming technology for ultra-heat-resistant alloy plates and developing burners. Samjeong Turbine is developing high-temperature gas turbine parts.

Samsung Techwin has taken charge of producing the complete gas turbine using its experiences in making gas turbines for airplanes and other industrial purposes.

[불붙는 국내 발전 시장]<하>핵심설계 부품 국산화 `발등의 불`

국산가스터빈개발로신뢰성과상용화실적을확보하고실증 3년내 5만시간운용실적을통해 2030년까지국내가스터빈시장의 50%국산제품으로채운다.

현재정부가구상하고있는발전주기기국산화의그림이다. 골자는국산기술로개발한가스터빈의실증으로시장점유율을높이고해당수주실적으로해외시장까지진출한다는내용이다.

발전주기기국산화를위한작업이올해부터본격화예정이다. 1000스팀터빈실증사업을위해두산중공업과한국중부발전이신보령 1·2호기주기기계약체결을앞두고있고삼성테크윈도중부발전과함께올해하반기부터발전용대용량가스터빈개발에착수할예정이다.

국산터빈의실증사업은신규발전소건설이줄줄이예정돼있는국내시장은물론, 계속성장이예상되는해외시장진출의기초작업이라는데의미가있다. 세계경기불황으로국내건설사들이해외플랜트설계·시공·조달(EPC) 사업에새로운성장동력을찾고있는상황에서사업파트너로서참여할여지도마련할있다. 해외플랜트 EPC 사업은사업자가국내기업이라도시장에서는해외수주실적으로인정받는만큼국산터빈해외진출의기반으로삼을수도있다.

해외발전시장은중국·인도·중동신흥국을중심으로급격히성장하고있다. 특히가스터빈은친환경이슈와셰일가스에대한기대감으로매년 3% 이상설비증가율이전망되는분야다. 주기기국산화를통한한국형발전모델구축이필요한이유다. 최근에는중국기업이국가차원의대규모신규발전소건설물량지원으로 1000㎿급스팀터빈설계기술을확보할정도로성장하고있어국산화필요성이더욱시급해지고있다.

국산화작업은터빈과관련고성능고온부품다방면에서동시진행중이다. 가스터빈 1계는국산화에성공했던한국로스트왁스는현재고온용가스터빈 1·2블레이드국산화를진행중이다. 성일SIM 초내열합금판재성형기술과연소기개발을추진하고삼정터빈도가스터빈고온부품을개발중이다.

가스터빈국산화완제품은삼성테크윈에서개발작업을진행중이다. 그동안항공기산업용가스터빈을제작하던기술을발전용가스터빈개발로확대한다는계획이다.


조정형·최호기자 jenie@etnews.com

**Article provided by etnews [Korea IT News]

[Reference] : http://english.etnews.com/markettrends/2721842_1278.html

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